SeiSee (2.22)
User’s Manual[1]
Open file in Recovery mode (SEG-Y only)
Selection of traces to be displayed
Trace selection by trace number or header item value
Saving data to SEG-Y or CWP/SU file
Save trace(s) sample and header values to text file
Export trace headers values to the text file
Import trace header values from text file
Toggling “Apply Delay Recording Time” mode
“Display mode” and “Wiggle Fill” panels
Change scale and gain by mouse wheel
Default Seismic View Parameters
Display, edit headers and data
Single trace header item modification
Trace headers changing by expression
èçîáðàæåíèÿ ñåéñìèêè â ôîðìàòå Windows Bitmap (.bmp)
Special variables and header item value function
ExprEval Internal Functions (by Brian A. Vanderburg II)
Application Internal Functions
Application Internal Constants
Application Internal Variables
Trace value, gain and view on screen
Simplified SEG-Y file structure
SeiSee program shows seismic data in SEG-Y, CWP/SU, CGG CST formats on screen of your personal computer (Windows‑2000, XP, Vista Windows-7, 8, Linux+Wine).
Program features:
integer (2,4 bytes) and IBM float (4 bytes) sample formats support
integer(1 byte), float IEEE (4 bytes)
sample formats[2]
Geovecteur disk SEG-Y format (.dat)
seismic display modes (wiggle, variable area, variable density, color)
import-export color palettes to
text file
seismic image, gain control, axes labeling setup
seismic to printer (plotter)
export in Windows Bitmap (.bmp) and PostScript formats.
trace headers display (formats Integer*1,*2,*4, IEEE Float*4,*8, IBM Float*4
are supported)
trace by header item value
samples browsing
header and binary editor
pass filter, automatic gain control (AGC)
- headers consistency check
whole SEG-Y file or part of it to disk in SEG-Y (IBM-32/IEEE) or CWP/SU format
with ability to select data on base of trace index or trace header value or trace
header expression and given time interval; reversal trace order is also
supported. Processing parameters can be applied to recorded data (filter, AGC
trace(s) sample and header values to text file
trace headers values from text file
shift according with “Delay Recording Time” trace header value
of traces to be displayed by trace index or header value and by expression
headers change by means expressions
trace sorting
and fix files containing wrong data in binary header (Recovery Mode)
trace header item editing
directory browsing
spectrum calculation and display
Double click program icon by mouse: Main window will be shown |
Use button to toggle controls panel visibility, and
for directory browser.
Command line startup mode is also supported. Use first parameter to specify a SEG-Y file name.
menu “File” ® “Open”, or press button: .
“Open” dialog appears. Use it for to select file that you want to browse
Select menu “File” ® “Reopen” to open one of previously opened files.
“File” ® “Open Directory” menu. Standard
“Open” dialog appears.
Use it
for directory selection, then select any file in it and press “Open” button.
The Browser panel will be shown:
(Only “valid” SEG-Y, CWP/SU and CST files will be listed)
To display SEG-Y file just select it in the list by mouse.
The panel buttons:
- Return to the previous directory
- Refresh directory list
- Open directory selection dialog
If file has wrong values in “Sample Interval”, “Number samples per data trace for reel” èëè “Data Sample Code” items of the binary header, the program opens file in Recovery Mode. Only text and binary header will be read. It is necessary to fix the values and reopen the file again.
To change
the parameters choose “File” ® “Trace Selection” menu, or press button.
Choose “By Number” tab, then fill in selection parameters form and press “Select” button, after this the program will start trace selection. When it is done, press “OK” button to display selected data or “Cancel button” to discard the selection.
Select “By Expression” tab, then enter expression text, and press “Select” button, after this the program will start trace selection. Expression syntax is described in the “Expressions” appendix. When it is done, press “OK” button to display selected data or “Cancel button” to discard the selection.
To setup sorting
select menu “File” ® “Trace Sort”, or press button.
The dialog has two lists. “Selected Headers” list contains trace header item names that will be used for sorting, and “Available Headers” list holds all trace headers.
Header order in the “Selected Headers” list corresponds precedence of using
them in sorting.
Íàçíà÷åíèÿ ýëåìåíòîâ
óïðàâëåíèÿ çäåñü ñëåäóþùåå:
Control |
Description |
Add selected header item from "Available Headers" to "Selected Headers" list |
Remove selected header item from "Selected Headers" list |
Clear "Selected Headers" list |
Move selected header item in "Selected Headers" Up |
Move selected header item in "Selected Headers" Down |
To select sort mode check suitable item in “Sort Mode” panel
Control |
Description |
No |
No sorting |
Ascending |
Ascending sorting |
Descending |
Descending sorting |
To apply selected mode, press “Sort” button, and then press “OK”
When sorting is active the “Sort” mark is shown in status bar:
To save
file select “File” ® “Save As ” menu item or press button.
It is possible to save all trace or part of them. Fill selection parameters in the dialog. Selection parameters are the same as described in “Selection of traces to be displayed” chapter.
Check “Reversal order” checkbox to save traces in reversal order. Check “Apply Processing” to save data with processing applied.
Then press “Save” button. When standard “File Save” dialog appears, use it to specify output file. “Close” button discards dialog.
Then press “Save” button. When standard “File Save” dialog appears, use it to specify type and name of output file. “Close” button discards dialog.
The following data formats are supported
ü SEG-Y – IBM-FLOAT-32 samples
ü SEG-Y – IEEE-FLOAT-32 samples
Procedure is same as for Saving SEG-Y file, except you need to set “Òðàñå Samples Text File” file type.
To save trace header values together with trace data check “Include Headers (txt)” checkbox.
To export select the following menu items:
“File” ® “Export Trace Headers to ASCII file”
Check “Write Column info” if column information is needed.
Press “Save” to start export. Header values that are selected in the “Trace Headers” window will be exported to output file.
Here is structure of the output file:
P237 F14 New Item 1
EXPR SP from CDP =
858 1100 1519 0.25 860
2 858 1100 1520 0.5
3 858 1100 1521 0.75 861
4 858 1100 1522 1
5 858 1100 1523 1.25 862
6 858 1100 1524 1.5
At the beginning of the file column information will be recorded
(if “Write Column Info” is checked):
Position |
Contents |
Description |
1 - 4 |
Pnnn or EXPR |
nnn – number that shows byte position of header item if value is expression |
5 |
space |
6 - 8 |
Fnn or three spaces |
nn – number for the appropriate format if value is expression |
9 |
space |
10 - |
text |
header item description |
The next line is column info terminator – line that starts with “+” character.
Header item values will be placed after this line
First column contains ordinal number of the trace (as it is in file, starting from 1). The following columns contain header values.
File to be imported should be in the same format as exported file.
To import header values from file select the following menu:
“File” ® “Import Trace Headers from ASCII file”
Press “Load” to start import.
Select input file and press “Open”
Sometimes time of first trace sample is defined by “Delay Recording Time” trace header value. It is necessary to switch-on “Apply Recording Delay Header” to display seismic line with such traces properly. While working in this mode you can note some file opening delay, especially if file size if big. If you are sure that traces in current file are not shifted than you can toggle this mode off.
To toggle
the mode select “File” ® “Apply Recording Delay Header” menu
item or set check to .
The modes and corresponding controls’ positions are shown in the following table
Mode |
position |
sample |
1 |
Wiggle |
2 |
Wiggle + Positive Fill (Variable area) |
3 |
Wiggle + Negative Fill |
4 |
Variable density (Gray levels) |
5 |
Color |
6 |
Color + Wiggle |
Display Mode panel controls |
Description |
Wiggle |
Wiggle mode |
Gray |
Variable density mode |
Color |
Color mode |
Wiggle Fill panel controls |
Description |
None |
No wiggle fill |
Positive |
Positive fill |
Negative |
Negative fill |
Use this panel to select colors:
Colors panel controls |
Description |
Wiggle |
Wiggle color |
Fill |
Fill color |
Selected |
Selected trace color |
Press button to popup “Palette” dialog.
The following buttons use to control the palette list:
Description |
Create new palette |
Duplicate current palette |
Remove current palette |
Check all palettes for export |
Uncheck all |
Export selected palettes to file |
Import palettes from file |
Before export to file check required palettes in the list:
When palette is selected in the list, it is applied to the seismic window.
Before editing select needed palette in the list.
The palette consists of color markers; space between two markers is filled by linear interpolation of color.
Originally the palette is made of three markers:
# |
Marker |
Description |
1 |
-100% |
Maximal negative amplitude value |
2 |
0% |
Zero amplitude level |
3 |
+100% |
Maximal positive amplitude value |
To select a marker pick it by mouse in the “Markers/Levels” panel.
To choose new color for a marker, use panel of colors in the right part of the dialog. Selected color will be shown “Selected Color” field. To assign the color to the selected marker, press “Assign Color” button.
To add a new marker, press “Add Marker” button. New marker will be added between selected and previous markers.
To remove selected marker, press “Delete Marker” button.
Marker position
can be changed by moving marker position control by mouse.
To save current changes, press “Update” button, and to cancel the changes press “Reset”.
Scale panel controls |
Description |
Traces |
Set trace number per centimeter |
Fit seismic section to window horizontally |
Time |
Set time scale (cm/sec) |
Fit seismic section to window vertically |
Gain-w |
Wiggle Gain control |
Automatically adjust current wiggle gain, using maximal amplitude values of selected trace (see “Trace Selection article”) |
Gain-ñ |
Color Gain control |
Automatically adjust color mode gain |
= |
Check this if you need same gain value for both modes |
To adjust a
value by mouse, move mouse cursor to the corresponding slider (), then press left mouse button, and (keeping it pressed)
move the slider. Current value of the parameter will be shown in edit control
that is on the right of the slider, and seismic image will be repainted to
reflect the changes.
Direction panel control |
Description |
From left to right |
Reversed |
From right to left |
Mouse Position during Wheel rotating |
Action |
In the Traces
input filed, In the
Time Axis |
Change horizontal scale |
In the Time
input field, In the
Headers Axis |
Change vertical scale |
In the
Seismic Section window |
Zoom-In/Zoom-out in both directions |
It the Gain-w input field |
Change Wiggle mode gain |
In the Gain-ñ input field |
Change Color mode gain |
Control |
Description |
From left to right |
Reversed |
From right to left |
Description |
Fit all the image to seismic window size |
Zoom by window. Press this button then draw a rectangle on the seismic window (move mouse cursor to first corner of the rectangle, press left mouse button, and keeping it pressed, move mouse to set desired size). Selected region will be zoomed to size of the seismic window. |
Return to previous zoom |
Zoom in (1.5 times) |
Zoom out (1.5 times) |
Direction of
scale changing caused by ,
buttons depends on the following radio-buttons
Button |
Description |
Scale changes in both directions |
Scale changes in horizontal direction |
Scale changes in vertical direction |
Select menu “View” ® “Set Seismic View Defaults” to set defaults for seismic section
Select “View” ® “Set Velocity View Defaults” to set defaults for velocity section (in SEG-Y format)
To show this window select “Seismic” tab.
When you move mouse pointer in the seismic window, values corresponding current position will be shown in status bar at the bottom of the main window and in “Mouse Position Header Box”
Trc |
Trace number in the file |
Time |
Time (ms) |
Smp |
Sample value (processing is applied!) |
Press button, to popup Axes dialog.
dialog has two tabs. To select headers that should be shown on the top of
seismic, click “Trace Axis (Headers)” tab.
There are two lists on this tab: "Selected Headers" list contains descriptions of trace header items that will be shown above seismic section, and "Available Headers" list contains all the SEG-Y trace header items.
Item order in "Selected Headers" corresponds to its position on axis (higher or lower)
Controls on "Trace Axis" tab:
Control |
Description |
Add selected header item from "Available Headers" to "Selected Headers" list |
Remove selected header item from "Selected Headers" list |
Clear "Selected Headers" list |
Move selected header item in "Selected Headers" Up |
Move selected header item in "Selected Headers" Down |
For each item in "Selected Headers" you can specify start value and step. For example: Select "CDP ensemble number” item, assign start value=10 and step=10 to it. In this case traces with CDP numbers = 10, 110, 210, etc will be labeled.
To setup
time axis labeling step click “Time Axis” tab.
Enter the step value. If time lines are needed set mark in the “Timelines” checkbox.
To accept the changes press “Apply” or “OK” button. “OK” also closes the dialog. “Close” button discards any changes and closes the dialog.
There are two ways to scroll the image:
- using scroll bars
- dragging by mouse
Move mouse cursor to start point, then press RIGHT mouse button and keeping it pressed, move the image into desired direction.
To switch into
selection mode press button. It is the same button that is used to
switch into “Pan” mode. Image on button, depict mode that will be selected after
the button press.
While selection mode is chosen, move mouse cursor to desired trace and press left mouse button. As result, this trace becomes “selected”.
Trace header values of the selected trace will be shown in “Bin header” panel (see “Display headers” article).
This trace is also used for automatic gain control.
To move trace selection some number traces forward or backward use the following controls:
Fill edit control with move
step value
Press button to move forward, and
to move backward
After button is pressed, “Info/Headers” panel will
be shown in the left part of the seismic window:
Contents of the panel depend on which radio-button is checked.
Button |
Contents |
General |
General file information |
Trace header |
Header of the selected trace |
Bin header |
Binary header of SEG-Y file |
Text header |
Text header of SEG-Y file |
Trace data |
Trace data sample values |
Spectrum |
Power spectrum graph |
To change the
panel size, move mouse cursor to the right boundary. And when the mouse cursor
is changed into ,
press left mouse button, and holding it pressed move panel boundary into
desired direction.
Select “Trace Header” tab to show contents of the selected trace header:
Besides browsing of known header items (“Items” tab), it is also possible to display trace header as dump of integer values array for nonstandard data analysis (“Dump” tab).
Select “Text Header” tab to show contents of the text header.
Select appropriate line of the header by mouse then enter changes from keyboard.
To save the changes press “Update” button, or press “Reset” button to undo all the changes[4].
It is also possible to load text header data from text (ASCII) file. To do this press “From file” button or select menu “File” ® “Load Text Header from File”. To load the data from the previous file, press small button that is on the right of the “From file” button.
To save the header into text (ASCII) file select “File” ® “Save Text Header to File” menu item.
It is also possible to load text header data from text (ASCII) file. To do this press “From file” button or select menu “File” ® “Load Text Header from File”. To load the data from the previous file, press small button that is on the right of the “From file” button.
To save the header into text (ASCII) file select “File” ® “Save Text Header to File” menu item.
Select “Bin Header” tab to show contents of the text header.
Select appropriate line of the header by mouse then enter changes from keyboard. “Sample Interval”, “Number samples per data trace for reel” and “Data Sample Code” items cannot be changed because they affect to file integrity. If you need nevertheless to edit these items, then check “Allow to edit all items” box.
Modified lines are highlighted by blue color. Bad values are marked by red.
Program will not update file till all the bad values are corrected.
To save the changes press “Update” button, or press “Reset” button to undo all the changes[6].
To show this window select “Trace Headers” and “View” tabs.
Check items in Selection panel that you want to display. Values of selected header items will be shown in Data panel.
Pressing to button selects all the items, and
clears all selection.
The program checks for trace headers consistence. If current trace header value difference with previous trace header is not equal difference with next trace, this value is highlighted by red color.
The program allows create custom header item description. Use control panel buttons for this.
The button creates a new header and shows editing dialog window |
The button shows editing dialog window for current header item |
The button removes the current item |
Note: you can edit only custom header items.
There are two types of items:
In case of positional item we have the following dialog:
Name |
Item name: it should be unique, it will be used for header axis labeling in seismic window and for table column labeling in the trace header window |
Description |
Header item description |
Position |
Byte position (from 1) for this item in trace header |
Format |
Select needed format from combo box:
Integer*1,*2,*4, |
You can copy
position and format from existing item to “Position” è “Format” fields. To do
this, select item in “Available Headers” list and press button.
To create a computable item select “Expression” tab
Enter an expression that consists from numbers, parenthesizes, operators (+-/*) and special variables
Expression |
Description |
N |
- current trace number in the file |
N*2 |
- same multiplied by 2 |
2 |
- just value 2 |
H(21,4)*2 |
- integer*4 from position 21 of trace header (CDP) multiplied by2 |
To activate this mode click left mouse button over “Trace #” table header
Fill in search number (N)
Select search condition from the list:
To activate this mode click left mouse button over needed header item name
(like “CDP”)
Fill in search number (N)
Select search condition from the list:
Press one of the following buttons:
If file size is big, then search may take sufficient amount of time.
Press button to terminate current
Move mouse pointer to table cell with header item value that you are going to change and press left mouse button.
Name and value of selected item will be shown on screen
Fill in edit
field by new item value
and press Update
Headers of selected traces (See: “Selection of traces to be displayed” article) can be changed by means mathematical expressions.
To activate modification window select “Trace Headers” and “Change” tabs.
Check header to be changed in the selection panel, then in data panel click table header corresponding to it in the data panel:
Then fill in “Expression” field with expression text.
The following variables have a special meaning:
Variable |
Description |
N |
Ordinal trace number in SEG-Y file |
L |
Last trace number in SEG-Y file |
Function that returns arbitrary trace header item value is also defined:
Í(p,f), where p – item position in the header, f – format (2-integer*2, 4-integer*4)
For example: H(21,4) returns CDP number.
Toolbar buttons:
Inserts value of item currently selected in the selection panel |
Inserts current trace number in the expression |
Insert last trace number |
Clears expression field |
Update file with new values |
Undo the latest file modification |
Repeat all above
for each item you want to change and then press button.
The following dialog will be shown:
Press “Update” to change file or “Close” to cancel changes.
To show this window select “Hardcopy” tab.
To print seismic image select “Print” tab.
Press “Setup” button to choose printer and page size. Standard “Print setup” dialog will be shown. Use it to setup your parameters. Information about selected printer will be shown in “Printer Info” panel.
To select orientation of plot use “Horizontal” and “Vertical” radio-buttons.
It is possible only part of seismic section, for that you need to fill in Print Region form:
Tmin |
Minimal Time (ms) |
Tmax |
Maximal Time (ms) |
From tr. |
Start from this trace |
Òî tr. |
Stop at this trace |
Use “min” and “max” buttons to set minimal or maximal possible values.
Press “All” button to print (export) whole section, and “View” button to print Seismic View image.
To place text
label (one string) from “Label” edit control to printout set mark into checkbox.
“File name” button puts current file name into edit control, and “Clear”
button empties the control.
If image size is bigger then page size then it will be spitted into several parts.
Print preview panel shows as image is divided into pages. If you changed display mode, scaling, etc, then current changes also will be reflected in the preview panel.
To print the image, press “Print” button. The button label changes to “Abort Print”. Printing progress will be shown in progress bar at the bottom of the window..
To cancel printing, press “Abort Print” button.
While printing other work with the program is not allowed.
Select “Export” tab in “Hardcopy” window
Fill “Bitmap Dpi” field with "dot per inch" value for your bitmap image
In “Color Mode” select image type: 256-color (color 8-bit) or black and white (b/w -1 bit).
Then press “Export” button. When standard “File Save” dialog appears, use it to specify output file. “Close” button discards dialog.
Processing is applied to trace before it will be shown on screen. Here is the processing modules list:
- band pass filter
- automatic gain control (AGC)
- data inversion (negation)
To set the
processing parameters press button or select “Processing” ® “Parameters” menu item, after that “Processing” dialog appears.
Enter parameters needed. To accept the parameters press “Apply” or “OK” button.
“OK” also closes the dialog. “Close” button discards any changes and closes the
Use the panel to toggle corresponding processing.
Processing panel item |
Description |
Inversion |
Data inversion (Negation) |
Filter |
Band pass filter |
Agc or Norm |
Automatic gain control or Normalization |
Weight |
Use Trace Weighting Factor trace header item |
Open “Processing” dialog |
Enter filter cut frequencies as it is shown in the picture and check “Use filter”, if you want to use the filter.
Original data |
Filtered data |
In “Use Normalization” mode maximum amplitude value is calculated for trace and each sample is divided to its value.
In “Use AGC” mode “Window
length” parameter sets AGC window length. AGC module moves the window down the trace
sample-by-sample and calculates a scale factor at each location. The scale
factor is equal to the RMS amplitude in the window.
Enter “Window length” and check “Use AGC”, if you want to use the AGC.
Original data |
AGC applied |
This module replaces each sample in trace to inversed value (multiply by minus one).
Check “Use Inversion” to apply the inversion.
To show the
Spectrum window press button or select menu: “View” ® “Spectrum”.
(amplitude - %, frequency - Hz)
Use the following check boxes to control spectrum charts curves:
Check Box |
Description |
Whole Section |
Whole section summary spectrum |
Range |
Spectrum of selected region (see Selection table) |
Current Trace |
Spectrum of current reace |
To calculate rectangular region spectrum fill “Selection” table from keyboard
When it is done press button.
Press button to fill the table with current seismic
section boundaries.
Also you can select the region by mouse in
seismic window – button
The following variables have a special meaning:
Variable |
Description |
N |
Ordinal trace number in SEG-Y file |
L |
Last trace number in SEG-Y file |
Function that returns arbitrary trace header item value is also defined:
Í(p,f), where p – item position in the header, f – format (2-integer*2, 4-integer*4)
For example: H(21,4) returns CDP number.
Expressions have pretty
much the same syntax as they would have on paper, with the following
More than one expression
may be contained within an expression string. As shown above, each expression
must end with a semicolon, even if only one expression is in the string. The
value of an expression string is the value of the last expression in the
Some functions may take
reference parameters. These parameters are references to other variables. You
can mix reference parameters with normal parameters. The order of the normal
parameters must remain the same and the order of the reference parameters must
remain the same.
Expressions may also be
nested with parenthesis.
Expressions may also have
whitespace characters and comments. Whitespace characters such as newlines,
linefeeds, carriage returns, spaces, and tabs are ignored. Comments begin with
the less than-sign '<' and end with the greater than-sign '>'. Comments
may be nested as well.
<Set the x value>
x = d * cos(r);
<Set the y value>
y = d * sin(r);
<Comment out this for now
<Flip the values>
t = x;
x = y;
y = x;
Stop commenting out>
If a variable is used in an
expression, but that variable does not exist, it is considered zero. If it does
exist then its value is used instead.
The following functions are provided with ExprEval:
Function |
Min. Args |
Max. Args |
Min. Ref Args |
Max. Ref Args |
Result/Comment |
abs(v) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Absolute value of v. |
mod(v,d) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Remainder of v/d. |
ipart(v) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The integer part of v. |
fpart(v) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The fractional part of v. |
min(v,...) |
1 |
None |
0 |
0 |
The minimum number passed. |
max(v,...) |
1 |
None |
0 |
0 |
The maximum number passed. |
pow(a,b) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
The value a raised to the power b. |
sqrt(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The square root of a. sqrt(16) returns 4 |
sin(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The sine of a radians. |
sinh(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The hyperbolic sine of a. |
asin(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The arc-sine of a in radians. |
cos(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The cosine of a radians. |
cosh(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The hyperbolic cosine of a. cosh(1.5) returns around 2.352 |
acos(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The arc-cosine of a in radians. |
tan(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The tangent of a radians. |
tanh(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The hyperbolic tangent of a. tanh(1.5) returns around 0.905 |
atan(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The arc-tangent of a in radians. |
atan2(y,x) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
The arc-tangent of y/x, with quadrant
correction. |
log(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The base 10 logarithm of a. |
pow10(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
10 raised to the power of a. |
ln(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
The base e logarithm of a. |
exp(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
e raised to the power of a. |
logn(a,b) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
The base b logarithm of a. |
ceil(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Rounds a up to the nearest integer. |
floor(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Rounds a down to the nearest integer. |
rand() |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Returns a number between 0 up to but not including 1. |
random(a,b) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns a number between a up to and including b. |
srand(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Seeds the random number generator with a
value. |
randomize() |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Seed the random number generator with a
value based on the current time. |
deg(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Returns a radians converted to degrees. |
rad(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Returns a degrees converted to radians. |
recttopolr(x,y) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns the polar radius of the
rectangular co-ordinates. |
recttopola(x,y) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns the polar angle (0...2PI) in
radians of the rectangular co-ordinates. |
poltorectx(r,a) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns the x rectangular co-ordinate of
the polar co-ordinates. |
poltorecty(r,a) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns the y rectangular co-ordinate of
the polar co-ordinates. |
if(c,t,f) |
3 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
Evaluates and returns t if c is not 0.0.
Else evaluates and returns f. |
select(c,n,z[,p]) |
3 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
Returns n if c is less than 0.0. Returns
z if c is 0.0. If c is greater than 0.0 and only three arguments were passed,
returns z. If c is greater than 0.0 and four arguments were passed, return p. |
equal(a,b) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns 1.0 if a is equal to b. Else
returns 0.0 |
above(a,b) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns 1.0 if a is above b. Else returns
0.0 |
below(a,b) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns 1.0 if a is below b. Else returns
0.0 |
avg(a,...) |
1 |
None |
0 |
0 |
Returns the average of the values passed. |
clip(v,min,max) |
3 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
Clips v to the range from min to max. If
v is less than min, it returns min. If v is greater than max it returns max.
Otherwise it returns v. |
clamp(v,min,max) |
3 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
Clamps v to the range from min to max,
looping if needed. |
pntchange(side1old, side2old, side1new, side2new, oldpnt) |
5 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
This is used to translate points from
different scale. It works no matter the orientation as long as the sides are
lined up correctly. |
poly(x,c1,...) |
2 |
None |
0 |
0 |
This function calculates the polynomial.
x is the value to use in the polynomial. c1 and on are the coefficients. |
and(a,b) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns 0.0 if either a or b are 0.0 Else
returns 1.0 |
or(a,b) |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
Returns 0.0 if both a and b are 0.0 Else
returns 1.0 |
not(a) |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Returns 1.0 if a is 0.0 Else returns 0.0 |
for(init,test,inc,a1,...) |
4 |
None |
0 |
0 |
This function acts like a for loop in C.
First init is evaluated. Then test is evaluated. As long as the test is not
0.0, the action statements (a1 to an) are evaluated, the inc statement is
evaluated, and the test is evaluated again. The result is the result of the
final action statement. |
many(expr,...) |
1 |
None |
0 |
0 |
This function treats many subexpressions
as a single object (function). It is mainly for the 'for' function. |
The following constants are provided with ExprEval:
Constant |
Math Form |
Value |
M_E |
e |
2.7182818284590452354 |
log2(e) |
1.4426950408889634074 |
M_LOG10E |
log10(e) |
0.43429448190325182765 |
M_LN2 |
ln(2) |
0.69314718055994530942 |
M_LN10 |
ln(10) |
2.30258509299404568402 |
M_PI |
π |
3.14159265358979323846 |
M_PI_2 |
π/2 |
1.57079632679489661923 |
M_PI_4 |
π/4 |
0.78539816339744830962 |
M_1_PI |
1/π |
0.31830988618379067154 |
M_2_PI |
2/π |
0.63661977236758134308 |
1/√(π) |
0.56418958354776 |
2/√(π) |
1.12837916709551257390 |
√(2) |
1.41421356237309504880 |
M_1_SQRT2 |
1/√(2) |
0.70710678118654752440 |
Application defined expression functions go here.
Function |
Min. Args |
Max. Args |
Min. Ref Args |
Max. Ref Args |
Result/Comment |
Application defined expression constants go here.
Constant |
Math Form |
Value |
Application defined expression variables go here.
Variable |
Math Form |
Value |
When gain = 1 sample value of +1 is in the center of the next trace, and –1 in the center of previous one.
This example shows drawing of sine trace with amplitude 1.0
For color mode we calculate value from Sample_Value*Gain*100 and select color from palette (top -100, bottom +100)
The same traces in color coding:
File headers |
Seismic traces |
bytes text header (EBCDIC) |
bytes binary header |
bytes trace header |
seismic trace data |
240 bytes trace header |
seismic trace data |
240 bytes trace header |
seismic trace data |
Details are here SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists):
SU/CWP files are used in
open source “CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x” seismic
processing package from Colorado School of Mines.
Format is same as SEG-Y, but
it doesn’t have text header.
© Sergey Pavlukhin
[1] Sorry people, but English is not my native language.
[2] The program supports the same sample formats that can be produced by “ProMAX” Seg-Y output module.
[3] You cannot edit the header if file has read-only attribute.
[4] “Reset” and “Update” buttons affects to text and binary header at the same time.
[5] You cannot edit the header if file has read-only attribute.
[6] “Reset” and “Update” buttons affects to text and binary header at the same time.
[7] A fast way to search a sorted array is to use a binary search. The
idea is to look at the element in the middle. If the key is equal to that, the
search is finished. If the key is less than the middle element, do a binary
search on the first half. If it's greater, do a binary search of the second